
Children (Дети) — в порядке популярности:

From Us...

A young boy on his way home from school must pass by a group...

Drawing God

A lost skill

Know your numbers

Mom and Dad were trying to console Susie...

In the back woods of Arkansas...

One day shortly after the birth of their new baby...

Little Gregory wakes up in the middle of the night...

What does it mean when a baby is born with teeth?

A clear moral

A young boy came home from school and told his mother...

How do you make a gay baby cry?

A first-grade teacher was overseeing her students as...

One day a teacher was teaching religion...

Little Johnny sat playing in the garden...

Little Johnny had become a real nuisance...

White Hoose

A failed attempt

A real bastard

The Hazards of Kicking the Cat

A little boy and his dad are standing in line...

A little girl and a little boy were at day care...

Backward Santa

The Teacher tells the class they are going to play a game...

How old am I?

A man was taking his wife...

How do you keep the neighborhood kids off your front lawn?

What is the best time to wean the baby from nursing?

Beautiful -- in a sentence

A Sunday school teacher asked her first graders...

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm...

A small boy was lost, so he went up...

What's the best form of birth control after 50?

Little Johnny -- being logical

Granny's gender

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales...

Little Johny being literal

The little boy comes home from school and asks mom...

Little Lucy was playing in the garden when she...

A little nine year old girl was in church with her mother...

At school Little Johnny was told by a classmate...

A first-grade class is having a game of Name That Animal...

A kindergartner was practicing spelling with magnetic letters...

What God looks like

Naming the kids

Little Johnny is in class. The teacher...

Little Johnny was in class again...

A woman, a bus and a baby

A little Catholic kid was praying as hard as he could...

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