Ethnic (Этнические) — в порядке популярности:
Who invented sex
Application to Live in Kentucky
...And I will do anything for love.
Two men and one woman
Sex on Sabbath
Out All Night Drinking
Elephants IX
A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau...
A jazz chord
Iraqi vs. American
A historical example
Rabbi's anniversary present
Did you hear about the Polish Navy tragic accident?
The Italian colonel had his brigade arrayed in full parade...
The daughter of an Indian chief visits his doctor...
State of Arkansas Residency Application
It was obvious
How did you do that??
Do you know why the baby Jesus was not born in Iowa?
A pious man who had reached the age of 105...
Cold Hands
One night, at the lodge of a hunting club...
The headmistress at a girls prep school...
A man walks into a Chinese restaurant but is told...
An older Jewish gentleman marries a younger lady...
Useful Phrases to Know When Travelling in the Middle East
Language Trends of the Future
Last Lunch
What do you call a Japanese drummer boy whose father has diarrhea?
What is the difference between a black and a white fairy tale?
Holiday accomodations
What do you call a villager with 500 girlfriends?
How do we know the Indians were the first people in North America?
How can you tell if a blonde is a redneck?
No pressure
An unfortunate situation
A Jewish boy was walking with his girlfriend...
Why did Santa Anna bring only 4000 troops to the Alamo?
How do you know Monica Lewinsky is Jewish?
What do you call a gay Indian?
What is the title of the new Vietnamamese cookbook?
An offense
Why does the University of Tennesse football...
Arkansas Governor Application
Two Irishmen are sitting in a bar...
Christmas and Hanukkah Merger
Three Chinese daughters
How come nobody from Mexico is ever in the olympics?
State of Kentucky 12th Grade Reading Test
How come Mexico never has a good Olympic team?
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