
Ethnic (Этнические) — в порядке популярности:

All the same

Two Irish lads had been out shacking up with their...

What do Germans use for birth control?

Why wasn't Jesus born in West Virginia?

Mr. Schwatrz goes to meet his new son-in-law to be...

A town in Poland had only one cow...

Four Mexicans were in an open truck that had run into the lake...

Man goes to see the Rabbi...

With a puzzled look on his face...

Where do you find 60 million french jokes?

Majority rules

What's the Arkansas state motto?

What do Arabs do on saturday night?

A brief declaration

What is the difference between a Jewish Mother and a Rottweiler?

Why does the new Polish Navy have glass bottomed boats?

A man was driving through West Virginia...

What do you get when you cross an Iraqi and a dog?

That Scottish couple finally worked out a solution...

A Jewish father has two kids who want to sell lemonade...

A girl sat sobbing in the police station...

Greatest way to learn English

Fair business

What did the redneck get on his I.Q. test?

Moshe Rabbinowitz decides to join the country club...

Irish math

Jewish view on when life begins

What goes: Clip clop, clip clop, clip clop, bang...

Why do Scottsmen wear kilts?

So this Mexican dude was taking a piss on the side of a building...

Have you heard about the latest Polish parachute?

What's the national anthem of Puerto Rico?

What did the Jewish paedophile say to the little...

St Peter is standing at the pearly gates one day...

What did Arafat say to Clinton?

Why does a Jewish American Princess close her eyes during sex?

How do you give a cowboy a hard-on?

There were these three blokes sitting on the high cliffs...

What do you call 500 Natives running on the race track?

A young Indian boy came back to the reservation...

Did you hear about the new German microwave oven?

How many Poles does it take to screw in a light bulb?

How did they know that Jesus was Jewish?

What is the difference between a homeless and a pizza?

If a couple from Tennessee get a legal divorce...

A Polish family is sitting in the living room...

Do you know why there aren't any ice cubes in Poland?

Did you hear about the Irishman who went duck hunting?

The South Takes a Cue from Oakland


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