Religion and Church (Религия и церковь) — в порядке популярности:
Heavenly golf
An unfortunate coincidence
A theological debate
Wear your collar backwards
Three couples wanted to join a church...
Show him your cross
God and the Computer
Rabbi's anniversary present
The First E-mail Of Paul To The Romans
Process-Oriented God
Do you know why the baby Jesus was not born in Iowa?
A pious man who had reached the age of 105...
The Reverend
Noah And Today's Ark
Little Johnny goes up to his mother and asks...
The Numbers of the Beast
The absolved
Preserving the Egg of Life
God Meets Bureaucracy
A definition of God
A little sports match
Sister Margaret died...
A nun comes to her Mother Superior and asks her...
What is white and flies across the sky?
What was the First Commandment?
Satanic Barney Proof
Christmas and Hanukkah Merger
Pastime for Passover
A mother was teaching her three year old daughter...
Kick-ass sermon
There was this hooker who mistook a Salvation Army man for...
This guy unexpectedly got the day off and decided...
What is the fastest way to get a nun pregnant?
A teacher, a garbage collector, and a lawyer wound up together at the Pearly Gates...
Little Johnny is coming home from the store...
After church on Sunday morning, a young boy...
An old drunk stumbles into a confessional...
Who are Sven War, Ollie Famine, Piter Pestilence, and Jergi Death?
Four nuns arrived at the gates of heaven...
One Sunday morning the pastor noticed little Johnny...
In Jerusalem, a female journalist heard about a very old Jewish man...
Two nuns are walking down an alley...
Drawing God
What was the first thing Adam said to Eve ?
A priest and a lawyer are walking down...
The wrong definition
What is white and streaks across the sky?
The ages of man
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