
Miscellaneous (Разное) — в порядке популярности:

Holiday Party Festivity Levels

A lady was in a hardware store looking at...

A life-long city man, tired of the rat race...

Mr.Richman has 3daughters...

What is the last thing each Tickle Me Elmo doll...

Sherlock Holmes and Matthew Watson were on a camping and hiking trip...

What do you call an anorexic with a yeast infection?

What's the brown stuff between the elephants toes?

A story with a morale

What's better than roses on your piano?

What's sillier

Cheap widow

A fellow, who had spent his whole life in the desert...

A photographer from a well known national magazine...

The man walked past the armored car and hears...

A guy was in a bar, and asked for some milk...

Beware of IRS

This morning I woke up to the unmistakable scent...

My twenty cents

Tough job

Why don't cannibals eat clowns?

What sits at the bottom of the bed and constantly takes the piss???

What do you call a vegetarian with diahrrea?

Towards and Away

What happened to the Pope when he visited Mount Olive?


Why cannibals do not eat comedians?

That is ONE!

A convincing lesson

Bad Jokes

Did you hear that Oprah Winfrey was arrested at the airport for drug smuggling?

Have you ever wondered why you wonder why?

Only in America...

What is the difference between a blonde and Dennis Rodman?

The Letter D Pulls Out

There was this fisherman that always had a good day fishing...

If Thinking Machines made toasters...

How do you tell two KKK members apart?

If Radio Shack made toasters...

What did Adam say to Eve?

I received a letter from my bank the other day...

What do you do if you come across an elephant in the jungle?

How do you make a hot dog stand?

What do elephants use for tampoons?

Did you hear about the woman who has five legs?

Daylight Savings Time Reform

Why does Barbara Bush always get on top?

Valentine Day Story

Did you here about the new atomic cocktail?

What is the difference between a wicker basket and a wicker box?

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