Relationships (Отношения) — в порядке популярности:
Husband: I do not know why you wear a bra...
These two guys go to a whorehouse...
The office playboy had a date with an attractive young woman...
After the party, as the couple was driving home...
The angry wife met her husband at the door...
I have got trouble with the wife again...
What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
Some explaining...
A wife, arriving home from a shopping trip, was horrified to...
An affair with the horse
An old rabbi is talking with one of his friends...
Is this really your third marriage?
She: What do you love most, my natural beauty or my body?
Childhood Diseases
What is the penalty for bigamy?
Jon left for a two day business trip to Chicago...
A jealous husband hires a private detective...
A chinese detective
The young wife was in tears when she opened the door...
Pack your bags honey!..
The room was full of pregnant ladies...
A woman reported the disappearance of her husband...
A young couple decided to wed...
Father, mother and son decide to go to the zoo one day...
Good News, Bad News, Worse News
A man answers the phone and has the following...
The young immigrant couple had just left the...
Good News, Bad News, Worse News VIII
Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was...
Marriage Anonymous
Following a bitter divorce...
A guy is sitting in a bar next to a really ugly woman...
Olympic condoms
Pappy sees Elmer walking with a lantern and asks...
Could you please pass...
A guy was trying to console a friend...
My mother-in-law is like a fine French Impressionist painting...
Was your wife a virgin when you married?
Do clever men make good husbands?
Was your wife a virgin when you married?
Nothing but the truth
For their 25th wedding anniversary...
The Big Scare
The last request
A guy out on the golf course takes a high speed ball right...
The Ring
The local courtroom was packed as testimony began...
On the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Billy-Bob...
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