
Relationships (Отношения) — в порядке популярности:

A man had a flat tire on a very cold winter day...

Two men were changing in the locker room after a game of tennis...

Trust thy friend...

A Frenchman and an Italian were seated next to an American...

What does a woman do to her asshole in the morning?

Two guys were discussing popular family trends...

Merry...ied talk

Bad news

A present for the anniversary

An old man goes to a church, and is making a confession...


One of two reasons

Falling down

Honeymoon II

For his wife's birthday party, a doctor ordered a cake...

A young Jewish man excitedly tells his mother...

A Jewish Mother

Three different kinds of sex

Two afroamericans

I was out with one of my best drinking buddies...

A different father

A concerned husband went to a doctor to talk about his wife...


You're not going to believe this!

The American in Hong Kong...

Nothing changed

What should you say if he asks you Am I your first?

Earn it hiking


A guy was driving home one evening...

How many women does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A gent spots a nice looking gal in a bar...

Really torrid honeymoon

A henpecked husband...

With a puzzled look on his face...

Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?

Man goes to see the Rabbi...

Old farmer Johnson was dying...

Two mates are having a chat over a beer...

Do you know why single women cannot fart?

Not this time

Silent treatment

Good News, Bad News, Worse News V

If your wife keeps coming out of the kitchen...

The wife coyly tried to explain her purchase of a new...

Marriage counseling

John and Mary visit their pastor for marriage counseling...

A woman goes into the local newspaper office to see...

She: Do you think of me when...

Fulfilling a promise

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