Relationships (Отношения) — в порядке популярности:
My mother-in-law was bitten by a dog yesterday...
A promise to keep
Miles Dobson was away from home on business...
All of a sudden, the wife smacks her husband...
A married man thought he would give his wife a birthday surprise...
What Trip?
Will the father be present during the birth?
Who exactly are we kidding?
Sue and Sally meet at their 30th class reunion...
Visiting a lawyer for advice, the wife said...
The man approached the very beautiful woman...
Bill and Bob met at the club for their weekly golf game...
What are the three words you do not want to hear while making love?
A husband emerged from the bathroom naked and...
Two story house
A man calls his family doctor...
Let him dig
A bloke came home and found his missus in bed...
How does a man know when his wife is losing interest?
Who am I?
So this guy was out on his front lawn flying a kite...
Mother-in-law burial
A man was walking in the street when he heard a voice...
A sad mourner
What dreams mean
What a Woman Really Needs
Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu...
A husband comes home with a half-gallon of ice cream...
A wife comes home unexpectedly one day and finds her husband...
A man was complaining to a friend...
How do you turn a Fox into a Pit Bull?
One day a guy and a girl were making out in the guy's car...
A pregnant woman is about to give birth...
Drilling is mine!
A farmer and his wife were laying in bed one night...
What is the difference between men and women?
Why did Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley split up?
What Do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
What would you do if I won the lottery?
I had it all
If women don't fool around, and men do...
Any married man should forget his mistakes...
Daddy, where did I come from?
A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for...
A woman accompanied her husband to the doctors office...
Larry's barn burned down, and Susan, his wife, called...
A little kid comes running into the backyard...
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