Situations (Ситуации) — в порядке популярности:
A strange jigsaw puzzle
African roulette
A cowboy along with his horse and dog are captured late one...
Two blokes were out walking home from work one afternoon...
Kind of awkward
A stuffy matron is with a new man in a top restaurant...
Stacey makes a new friend at school and invites her...
A man with a wooden eye was sitting at a bar...
Ice fishing
A customer walks into a pharmacy...
A man stops by a diner at noon...
A Purple Heart
A woman enters a butcher shop and asks...
The Mortitian arrived at the Mortuary one morning...
Make my own bed
Discovering too late that a...
I was walking down an alley last night...
A man walked into the bar and there was a gorilla...
How do you know when the barmaid is really pissed off?
Two car salesmen were sitting at the bar...
A man let out a humongous burp...
Fluffy died
Seems that the traveling salesman was driving in the country...
Jack goes to the doctor and says...
First Aid Course
There were three men who were lost in the forest...
A man decided to have a face lift...
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